Why did I open CAFE LA in OSAKA?
I’ll try to keep everything concise because I am not a great writer so keeping your attention for a whole page will be difficult, especially with how terrible the average attention span is now.
Let’s start with a simple autobiography. Don’t worry I’ll try not to bore you too much.
· Worked as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) on the JET Program for Kobe City from 2014-2017
· Back to Los Angeles briefly for 2 years until OCT 2019
· Moved back to Kobe and picked up a few parttime jobs, particularly Evian Coffee Shop in Ashiya and IZNT in Kobe, a now-closed international bar
· Then, English Teacher contract with a Cooking School in Amagasaki in their high school department.
· I decided not to recontract and opened the cafe
What were my motivations and goals for opening the cafe?
Opening a cafe was a dream of mine since college.
I used to drive back from San Diego to Los Angeles for the weekend, a 1.5-3-hour drive, (Yes, it can double like that because LA traffic) spending a lot of my time hanging out at boba shops playing board games and card games until 1-2am in the morning with friends. That is the vibe that I want to recreate in my store.
A cafe in Los Angeles or Japan?
This was a big question for me throughout those years I was going back and forth and as I was planning everything in my head. The answer was simple though. When it came time to make the final decision, I was in Japan.
Coffee shop or Boba Shop?
My initial idea was to open a boba shop because that is what I like even as I started to drink and learn more about coffee and espresso and I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be in Japan. In Japan, (the land of trends) boba or tapioca as it is termed here is just a trend and has been on a downward spiral and covid-19 as definitely exacerbated it. Coffee on the other hand, Japan is the 3rd largest coffee consumer in the world, so it wasn’t hard to decide.
Kobe or Osaka?
I live in Kobe and many people ask me why I didn’t open the cafe in Kobe instead, so I don’t have to take a 50-minute train with 1 transfer every day. I was looking at places from Kobe to Osaka and everywhere in-between. With several factors weighing in, I ultimately decided on Osaka because of the location and storefront I am currently in. Mainly because of friends, potential, and how forgiving Osaka is compared to a cafe in Kobe.
The biggest factor that drives a lot of the things I do at the cafe and why I opened it in the first place is creating a place where I feel like I belong.
You can say that I am the cafe’s biggest and ideal customer. In America, I am Chinese/Asian immigrant. In Japan, I am American but with the Asian looks, the overall experience I have here is vastly different from what a Japanese person’s image of an American.
I believe that one of the biggest driving forces behind what we do and how we act in life is finding the place/community where we belong.
Sometimes you must create that place yourself.
📸by @kenshi_shudo
· 2014年-2017年はJETプログラムで神戸教育委員会の英語教師
· その後、10月2019年までちょっとアメリカに帰国
· 神戸に帰り、芦屋のエビアンコーヒーや神戸のIZNT(インターナショナルバー)でアルバイト
· 2020-2021 尼崎の調理師専門学校で非常勤英語講師
· 2021年5月 カフェオープン
📸by @kenshi_shudo